Default SMTP timeouts...
Question asked by Eric Tykwinski - 12/19/2016 at 9:45 AM
Just noticed something a bit strange, so wanted to ask what values others are using.
We have a client communicating with someone else also running SmarterMail.  I noticed that the emails are always timing out when sending to them, so I'm guessing their RBLs are taking over the default 1 minute.
Example below, changed IPs as I don't want to call the person out.
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] Sending remote mail for user@localhost
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] Initiating connection to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:25 (Id: 1)
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] Binding to local IP (Id: 1)
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] Connection to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:25 from succeeded (Id: 1)
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 220 MX2.remote.com Sat, 17 Dec 2016 05:58:48 +0000 UTC - SmarterMail Enterprise Edition 13.0.5430
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] CMD: EHLO localhost.domain.com
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 250-MX2.remote.com Hello []
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 250-SIZE 78643200
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 250-STARTTLS
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 250-8BITMIME
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 250 OK
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] CMD: STARTTLS
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] RSP: 220 Start TLS negotiation
[2016.12.17] 00:58:52 [47646] CMD: EHLO localhost
[2016.12.17] 00:58:53 [47646] RSP: 250-MX2.domain.com Hello []
[2016.12.17] 00:58:53 [47646] RSP: 250-SIZE 78643200
[2016.12.17] 00:58:53 [47646] RSP: 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5
[2016.12.17] 00:58:53 [47646] RSP: 250-8BITMIME
[2016.12.17] 00:58:53 [47646] RSP: 250 OK
[2016.12.17] 00:58:53 [47646] CMD: MAIL FROM:<user@locahost> SIZE=216331
[2016.12.17] 00:59:53 [47646] The smtp session has timed out.
Question is why is it that we'll wait 2 minutes for SMTP In, but only 1 minute for SMTP Out?  SMTP is SMTP after all, so RFC should be the same in and out. (Looked it up, and it actually seems to be 5 minutes, but that does seem like a long time.)

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