How to add new Email Accounts
Question asked by John Mitchell - 11/1/2016 at 4:24 AM
Hi All...is there a way to add new user accounts....have created new SMTP Accounts but mail directed to that address fails???????

3 Replies

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FlexWS Replied
Maybe a little more information how it fails?

If you have created a new user as domain admin, it should receive e-mail as the MX record points to your mailserver.

Does the domain admin receive mail?
John Mitchell Replied
Hi Guys....was a bit early in my questions. Have just taken over as Admin of the groups Mail and am finding all the previous Admins did not set everything up correctly, Thanks for the response.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I will be glad to assist you with this. Regarding the new accounts, you will want to create these under the Users section (Settings -> Domain Settings -> Users), users created here will then begin to receive mail directed to the desired address.
When you attempted to send to the newly created users, were you receiving bouncebacks with status codes you can provide ? 

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