SmarterMail Spamassassin based patern matching question
Question asked by Jay Altemoos - 10/26/2016 at 11:48 AM
So I have a question about the built in spamassassin based pattern matching. I found where the .cf files are located on the server. Do we have the ability to customize our own rule sets here? Or better yet, can we download rule sets directly from the spamassassin website and integrate them in SM?
Also any idea what version of spamassassin matching SM runs?

5 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
From what I understand these values cannot be modified within the CF files. I haven't personally tested modifying these, you may have some success but I would advise against it as it would not officially be supported. 
I would recommend deploying a standalone SpamAssassin server that you can fully customize. There is a virtual appliance option you can also deploy in your environment. More information on this can be found here: https://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a2718/install-and-configure-spamassassin-virtual-appliance.aspx
I hope this helps. 
Jay Altemoos Replied
Hey Von. So I tested on setting up the SA Virtualbox you provided the link for. I didn't use VMWare Player for the simple reason the user has to be logged in in order for the player to run. VMWare Server edition is now defunct and no longer supported. You can't even download it from the VMWare site any longer. So what I did was grab a copy of VirtualBox and converted the image you provided. I got it set up and all seems to be going well except the SM interface randomly tells me the remote SpamAssassin server is inactive. Now we have 2 NIC's in our mail server and bound the VM to the 2nd NIC. I entered the IP I specified(internal address, not the public IP). I can log into the interface just fine through a web browser, but the SpamAssassin statistics in the web interface on the server for the VM always say zero. Initially when I entered the IP and port information for the SA VM device SmarterMail says that it's active and then goes to inactive after a few minutes. So I am guessing that if the remote spamassassin server it not available that SM SA still functions like normal correct?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Jay, thanks for the update. Do you see any errors in the delivery log stating your remote SA server is unavailable by chance ?

SM's SA functionality will still work as expected, as long as the spam check is still enabled for Inbound\Outbound filtering.

I know the SA virtual appliance is a bit outdated. I've actually been toying with EFA virtual spam appliance which runs SpamAssassin as a gateway and have had pretty positive results. You may want to consider this a try as well, it will perform full AV and anti-spam scrubbing on your messages.

You can read up more about this on their webpage here: https://efa-project.org/
Jay Altemoos Replied
Hi Von. Yeah I did see that it wasn't available in the log. I was still logged into the webmin interface, so I know it wasn't the NIC sleeping on me. So what I did do, was go back to the webmin interface and I added both IP's to the config. Then I restarted spamd. After that it has been running fine again. Not sure why when I only had the public IP in there that it was causing it to be not available. I am familiar with the webmin interface enough that I even made sure the firewall rules were not interferring. I have played around with Linux for a few years, so I know how some versions of Linux can be finicky. Not sure why SM did that, but I will keep an eye on it. If I have any further Q's I will post them. Thank you for your time today and suggestions. I appreciate it greatly.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
No problem at all Jay, glad to help.

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