Email Tracking
Question asked by Kiran Suthar - 10/26/2016 at 5:01 AM
     Is there any option available to Track email when using smartermail ?
I am using Smartermail 15.3 Professional edition.
I guess there is no such in built feature - but is there any third party tool available like Hubspot which can be integrated into smartermail ?

5 Replies

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Employee Replied
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Were there any specific features you were looking for ? I'll be glad to submit a feature request on your behalf if the functionality isn't present in the software already.
What were you wanted to specifically track ? 
Kiran Suthar Replied
Thanks for the rely Von !
Basically I am looking for the "Email Tracking" features having following specific things as a notification or something
Lets consider I send an email to receiver@domain.com and while sending email I have enabled "Track Email" option/feature

Now, I should be notified for the following cases,

1) Email is delivered at receiver@domain.com including date/time
2) Email is opened by receiver@domain.com including date/time
3) Anything relevant to this which makes sense or add value to tracking.

If smartertool, can give such feature as a addon then also it will good. I am sure there should be many other people looking for such feature.

Kiran Suthar
Employee Replied
Employee Post

Thanks for clarifying this for me.

We do have support for read receipts that will let you know when the recipient reads the message (only if they decide to send one back).

We do not have support for delivery receipts at this time.

Outside of these two options, the system administrator does have the option of reviewing the delivery logs to confirm the message was received by the recipient server. This blog post may be of some use for you: https://www.smartertools.com/blog/2016/04/20-tracing-messages-for-an-email-account-in-smartermail

I hope this helps.
Kiran Suthar Replied
Thanks for helping me.
Mentioned article is helpful for me.

But actually I am looking for something easy which my sales team can use easily.
I guess I will have to go with some third party provider - still not sure if is it possible to integrate third party tool/addon with smartermail.

If you know something then kindly let me know.

Also, is there any smartermail API available which can be used to get the smtp tracking details that mentioned in the above link ?

Thanks again
Employee Replied
Employee Post

At this time there is not an API available for the SMTP tracking details.

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