Commtouch 10 [value: Unknown]
Problem reported by Daniel McFalls - 8/22/2016 at 9:51 AM
A few months ago we moved our mail server to a different VPS provider and with a different IP address.  What a mess that turned out to be.  Now (I think it began when we moved) every single incoming message contains "Commtouch 10 [value: Unknown]" inside the header.  Making SPAM filtering extremely difficult.  It appears that the Commtouch filtering is not working.  When contacting Commtouch their response was to contact SmarterTools.  No assistance at all.
Has anyone else experienced this?  Was it due to the move?  How do I correct it?

11 Replies

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Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
What version are you running?
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Daniel McFalls Replied
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Can you verify that MailService_SubProcess.exe is running? You can use Task Manager to do this, just open it up and go to Details.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Daniel McFalls Replied
Yes.  It is running.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
If you go to the area where you will find MailConfig.xml, in that same folder you'll find SubProcessConfig.xml
Can you set Logging to True?
You may need to restart MailService_SubProcess, by killing it via Task Manager. It should boot back up within 3 minutes as long as your receiving new mail.
After in the same area you find the config file you should see SP_Log.txt being written to.
Normal Location for config files for MailService.
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Daniel McFalls Replied
Daniel McFalls Replied
Here's a line from it: 12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73824~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73824, Exception: Cyren license details are not set
Daniel McFalls Replied
Even after "Reactivating" CommTouch nothing changed.  Here's more of the log:
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73824
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73826
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73824~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73824, Exception: Cyren license details are not set
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73821
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73825
12:58:38 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73826~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73826, Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73825~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73825, Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73822
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73823
12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73822~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73822, Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73828
12:58:38 PM: Received Cyren connection data
12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73821~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73821, Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
12:58:38 PM: Scanning Message: 73829
12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73823~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73823, Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
12:58:38 PM: Error Message: 73828~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73828, Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
12:58:39 PM: Connecting to Cyren was Successful.
12:58:39 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:39 PM: Error Message: 73829~%!#~Exception while processing message: 73829, Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
12:58:40 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:41 PM: Scanning Message: 73820
12:58:41 PM: Scanning Message: 73831
12:58:49 PM: Sent Result(73820:Unknown|Unknown) back to server
12:58:53 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:53 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:53 PM: Scanning Message: 73837
12:58:53 PM: Scanning Message: 73839
12:58:53 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:53 PM: Scanning Message: 73836
12:58:53 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:53 PM: Scanning Message: 73838
12:58:57 PM: Sent Result(73831:Confirmed|Unknown) back to server
12:58:58 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:58 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:58 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:58 PM: Scanning Message: 73845
12:58:58 PM: Scanning Message: 73844
12:58:58 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:58 PM: Scanning Message: 73846
12:58:58 PM: Scanning Message: 73843
12:58:58 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:58 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:58:58 PM: Scanning Message: 73840
12:58:58 PM: Scanning Message: 73842
12:59:03 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:03 PM: Scanning Message: 73848
12:59:03 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:03 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:03 PM: Scanning Message: 73847
12:59:03 PM: Scanning Message: 73841
12:59:05 PM: Sent Result(73839:Confirmed|Unknown) back to server
12:59:13 PM: Sent Result(73838:Confirmed|Unknown) back to server
12:59:14 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:14 PM: Scanning Message: 73850
12:59:19 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:19 PM: Scanning Message: 73851
12:59:21 PM: Sent Result(73836:Confirmed|Unknown) back to server
12:59:24 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:24 PM: Scanning Message: 73854
12:59:24 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:24 PM: Scanning Message: 73853
12:59:24 PM: Reading Message from Stream...
12:59:24 PM: Scanning Message: 73852
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Interesting, there seems to be errors locking up some of those threads. I can look into it. We will have a new minor this week, I will have more logging put into Cyren to figure out better what is happening. I'll update the thread when I have more information.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
James Ratliff Replied
I followed your directions for creating the log files and we are also experiencing the same types or errors and issues:
2:24:49 PM: Error Message: 76706~%!#~Exception while processing message: 76706, Exception: Cyren license details are not set
Stack Trace:    at Commtouch.CommtouchDaemon.get_Instance()
   at Commtouch.CommtouchClientInterface.ProcessMessage(String messagePath, String senderAddress, String senderIP, String[] localRecipients, String[] remoteRecipients, CommtouchSettings commtouchSettings)
   at CyrenClient.Program.StartScanMessage(String data)
I'm running the latest update, 15.3.6081.28632
Please advise asap is there is a workaround or fix for this issue.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
In order to debug this further we probably need a ticket. Its getting pretty involved and we may need access to the web interface or system to help debug this. If the issue is a bug or a problem on our end, and I'm sure it is, it will be refunded to your account.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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