Whitelist email addresses for the 'Filter duplicate incoming email' option
Idea shared by Preston Carter - 8/4/2016 at 9:45 AM
We have voicemail to email at our office and we started forwarding that for certain numbers to SmarterTrack to create new tickets. It works great! The problem is that the 'Filter duplicate incoming email' option drops the message if we receive more than three per half hour, so we turned that off. Now we're getting duplicate email from other senders.
Can you make a 'whitelist' for addresses from the Filter duplicate incoming email?

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Andrea Free Replied
Employee Post
Hey Preston,
I think this would be a great idea, as I just heard of another similar situation not too long ago. Thanks for the suggestion! 
Andrea Free SmarterTools Inc. 877-357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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