Our SmarterMail can not send emails to some domain !
Problem reported by Yad Rashid - 6/6/2016 at 4:24 AM
Not A Problem
Dears , 
We have SmarterMail 13 , non of the hosted domain  can send email to a specific external domain .
I am adding the trace log :
[2016.06.06] 14:03:09 [58047] Delivery started for ary@zheno.net at 2:03:09 PM
[2016.06.06] 14:03:12 [58047] Skipping spam checks: User authenticated
[2016.06.06] 14:03:15 [58047] Starting local delivery to ary@avestagroup.net
[2016.06.06] 14:03:15 [58047] Bounce email written to 198458048.eml
[2016.06.06] 14:03:15 [58047] Delivery for ary@zheno.net to ary@avestagroup.net has completed (Bounced)
[2016.06.06] 14:03:15 [58047] Delivery for ary@zheno.net to ary@avestagroup.net has completed (Bounced)
[2016.06.06] 14:03:15 [58047] Delivery finished for ary@zheno.net at 2:03:15 PM    [id:198458047]
[2016.06.06] 14:03:18 [58048] Delivery started for  at 2:03:18 PM
[2016.06.06] 14:03:22 [58048] Skipping spam checks: Internally Generated Message
[2016.06.06] 14:03:25 [58048] Starting local delivery to ary@zheno.net
[2016.06.06] 14:03:25 [58048] Delivery for  to ary@zheno.net has completed (Delivered) Filter: None
[2016.06.06] 14:03:25 [58048] End delivery to ary@zheno.net
[2016.06.06] 14:03:25 [58048] Delivery finished for  at 2:03:25 PM    [id:198458048]
zheno.net hosted on smartermail
avestagroup.net hosted on Office 365
please help us to fix the NDR that generated by smarter mail.

14 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Yad!
Thanks for providing the Delivery Log snippet. While this is helpful in determining the basic issue with the delivery (that the message bounced) it doesn't provide all the necessary details to show us why. I'd also have you check out your SMTP logs by doing a search with the last 5 digits of the .eml file that was written: 58048. Make sure to checkmark "Display related content" to gather the full SMTP session. The issue could be caused because of a full mailbox, a domain that has reached its sending limit or a 4xx error that wasn't made explicitly clear in the bounce message. 
Also, feel free to check out our blog post for more information on Tracing Messages for an Email Account in SmarterMail.
I hope this helps!
Yad Rashid Replied
Dear Andrea ,
Thanks for your reply ,
This is what I got from the SMTP log 

[2016.06.06] 15:43:16 [][65134121] Authenticating as ary@zheno.net
[2016.06.06] 15:43:16 [][65134121] Authenticated as ary@zheno.net
[2016.06.06] 15:43:16 [][65134121] cmd: MAIL FROM: <ary@zheno.net>
[2016.06.06] 15:43:16 [][65134121] rsp: 250 OK <ary@zheno.net> Sender ok
[2016.06.06] 15:43:16 [][65134121] cmd: RCPT TO: <ary@zheno.net>
[2016.06.06] 15:43:16 [][65134121] rsp: 250 OK <ary@zheno.net> Recipient ok
[2016.06.06] 15:43:34 [][58417102] Authenticating as ary@zheno.net
[2016.06.06] 15:43:34 [][58417102] Authenticated as ary@zheno.net
[2016.06.06] 15:43:34 [][58417102] cmd: MAIL FROM: <ary@zheno.net>
[2016.06.06] 15:43:34 [][58417102] rsp: 250 OK <ary@zheno.net> Sender ok
[2016.06.06] 15:43:35 [][58417102] cmd: RCPT TO: <ary@avestagroup.net>
[2016.06.06] 15:43:35 [][58417102] rsp: 550 <ary@avestagroup.net> No such user here
please check .
Thanks alot
Sean Middlemore Replied
Hi Yad,
Looking at your log we can see on the last line that the email address you've sent to doesn't exist. I would speak to your recipient and check the spelling as that is the most common cause of "No such user here".

Yad Rashid Replied
Dear Sean ,
I am Sure that the recipient is correct and the destination mail system is Microsoft Office 365 , but I checked the message trace at Office 365 subscription but there is no traffic / email hitting that tenant !
the email dropped from the smarter mail system and not reaching the destination , this is happening only with this domain !
I spoke to MS office 365 Support , they confirmed that there is no issue with the avestagroup.net tenant !
Sean Middlemore Replied
Dear Yad,

Do any emails go through if you try an external service such as Gmail?

Yad Rashid Replied
Dear Sean ,
I can send emails every where from ary@zheno.net except this destination ary@avestagroup.net , and ary@avestagroup.net can receive emails from everywhere except the smartermail account (ary@zheno.net) .
Yad Rashid Replied
and I have not applied any specific restriction to the destination domain / email account
Sean Middlemore Replied
Dear Yad,

Have you asked them to check their SMTP logs to see if its being blocked by a filter? It could well be that rather than their system saying "Blocked by spam filter" they've just said "No user here".

Yad Rashid Replied
Dear Sean ,
Thanks for your follow up .

from Office 365 Message trace , I can not see any record that the email from SmarterMail System reached the Office 365 tenant , if it reaches there I can see the rejection log , but there is not log indicates that any email sent from the SmarterMail system to MS Office 365 . this also confirmed by MS Office 365 support staff .
the "No user here" message might be generated by SmarterMail .
Matthew Leyda Replied
Looks like the DNS records for avestagroup.net is the problem. You can test them here http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools#dnsReport|type=domain&&value=avestagroup.net
Kendra Support http://www.kendra.com support@kendra.com 425-397-7911 Junk Email filtered ISP
Sean Middlemore Replied
That's weird. When I did an MX lookup earlier it came up with this:
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Yad,
Thanks for providing the additional log snippet. And thank you to Sean and Matthew for jumping in to help with this!
A '550 No such user here' response means the message is failing to relay through. Are you sending this message from an email client? This could be caused by SMTP Authentication not being configured in the client. 
Yad Rashid Replied
Dears , I found that another avestagroup has been created in the smartermail , may be for testing purposes .
I removed that domain and the issue gone , now there is problem remained .
Thanks for your support .
really appreciate your efforts .
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for following up with an update!

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