User created and managed mailing lists
Idea shared by Kenneth Knudsen - 3/2/2016 at 4:12 PM
A recently got this new customer with extremely amount of contact groups, and the only solution to resolve the issue we created the same amount of mailing lists.
But these lists are user created and maintained, so every time there is a change to a mailing list we need to involve either us or the domain admin.
It would be so nice if we could have this created and maintained on a user basis. So a user can create their own mailing lists and also be able to edit them as they need to.
This particular customer has 1000's of tenants they want to warn about snow being cleared and so on, and they have tenants move in and out all the time.. A user being able to maintain their own mailing lists would be huge !!!
If the user also could decide if the mailing list would be available through GAL or not would be nothing less than amazing....

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