Custom SmarterMail Login Pages
Idea shared by Nicolas Le Merle - 1/29/2016 at 2:41 PM
Hey Guys,
So I have recently had a surprising amount of people show interest in a custom login page that I developed and posted on a thread a while back and wondered if it would be worth while putting together 2 or 3 alternatives, together with a full 'install guide' & some kind of 'settings.xml' file that would allow you to configure your own colors / background image / logo, etc and then come up with a reasonable price. You could then simply download the login page and host it on your own SM servers.
Below are some screenshots of what the login page looks like, its a completely separate page from the SmarterMail login page which makes use of the SM API to log users in.
Let me know your thoughts :)
PS: This is not a get rich quick scheme, I just had an idea and thought i'd throw it out there :)

5 Replies

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This looks fantastic - would love to have it implemented on our mail servers.
I am looking for something like this, is anything like this available to use?
What is the status of this?  I would love an easier way to customize and brand the login page and interface so as to make my users warm and fuzzy that we are providing the service, not an unknown third party.
Hi Guys,
I have not made any progress with a 'customizable' login page as not enough requests came through to make it feasible. PM me if you would like a personal login page to fit your brand and I can quote accordingly.
Here's is a custom login page a threw together for another forum member :)
Iv done some testing on the new version 16 using their latest API and the current way I have implemented the integration doesn't work unfortunately, but have started working on developing an integration with the new SM 16 :)

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