I have an existing SM 11.x install running on Server 2008. The hardware is getting a little old, so I intended to virtualize it and move it to a machine running Server 2012..
I used the disk2vhd to create an image of the server, copied it to the new hardware, created a virtual server, gave it memory, etc and attached the disk. I unplug the old server, and gave the new virtual instance the same IP address the old one had. Now, they are essentially the same, except one is running virtually under Hyper-V.
After bringing it up, Smartermail is up and running, and I can connect to port 80, login, etc. I ran the diagnostic and it seems fine. I can send mail to users on my domain. I can see sites on the internet.
Problem is, it won't accept incoming mail from outside. Port 25 is not accepting a connection.
telnet localhost 25 -- cannot open a connection
No firewall enabled. Checked bindings in SM, port 25 is listed and enabled. Compared settings to older working server, they are the same.
What else can stop port 25?