I am new to smartermail, and I havent had experience in setting up admins/domains. I was wondering if someone can help me or can provide a manual/link, on how to setup things.
I just need to use the domain for sending emails, gmail and other domains is working, but smarter mail.
this is the code.
SmtpClient scSender = new SmtpClient("mail.domain.com");
scSender.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
//NetworkCredential cred = new NetworkCredential("registration@domain.com", "password");
scSender.Credentials = cred;
scSender.EnableSsl = false;
scSender.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
scSender.Port = 25;
scSender.Timeout = 50000;
this will work with gmail except for smarter tool. I have login and check the ports on bindings on smarter mail admin. and test all ports created, SSL's, but failed. I am just using existing settings on the smartermail. I didn't set it up.