Last Login Date is Incorrect
Problem reported by kevind - 9/14/2015 at 8:18 PM
When it's late in the evening and you view the list of users on a domain, it displays a last login date that's one day ahead. It must not take into account the timezone or something.

15 Replies

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Merle Wait Replied
What version of SM are you running???
Refer to  article:  
I had that issue, but appears to be corrected in SM 14.x  
kevind Replied
Merle, thanks for the reply. We are running 14.2. I read your post and I don't think we have the same problem.

I think it's just a matter of converting Universal time to local time when displaying the dates.
kevind Replied
This should be an easy fix -- convert time zone on Last Login.
Why not display the last login time as well?  Would be useful.
kevind Replied
Just wondering if ST could confirm this bug and mark it as being fixed. At 9pm, it shows the last sign-in date as tomorrow. This tells me that it's using universal time and not converting to the local time zone.
Fix = convert to local time zone
Enhancement = show the time also
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
I am seeing this as well it seems to be using GMT for the time it appears since mine is 7 hours ahead and Arizona is -07:00. I will add this to our bugs list.
Regarding your second note, I'm shown times like this, 9/30/2015 4:32:21 PM
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Is there a switch somewhere to show time? Or maybe you have a newer build? Mine looks like the pic above (date, no time).
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Added: The users grid now includes the time with the date under the Last Login column.

Yea in today's minor release we have the times shown. Unfortunately the time is still incorrect.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
The last login time now displays local server time instead of UTC.  It is included in the latest public release of SM 14.3
kevind Replied
This is better, but still not quite right. It should use the time zone of the domain administrator (the person currently signed in) and not the local server time.
kevind Replied
Can we mark this thread as Known instead of Resolved until the time gets fixed? Need to use the time zone of the person who's signed in.

FWIW, this is really a minor issue, but probably should fix it before we forget about it.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
It was decided that we will use Server timezone. However, we have made a note to talk about this in our next developer meeting so we can get some opinions one way or the other.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Seems like a bad decision, but glad you're reconsidering. Here are 2 points you can bring up in the meeting:
1) If sticking to server time, probably should be consistent and show Inbox messages as server timezone also.
2) What about the ISP in Chicago who hosts domains for customers on both coasts. When the domain admin in California signs in, he/she will see Central time? OK, the Cubs did win their first playoff game in 12 years.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Kevin, we have modified the last login time to use the domain admin's time zone instead of server timezone. It will be included in the next minor release.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Additionally, we have left the Indexing status date/time as local server time since system admins do not have any timezone information associated with their accounts. If it would be beneficial, we can add "GMT+/- offset" to the end of the displayed date/time or display in GMT by default.
kevind Replied
Robert, all good! Leave Indexing time as is (sys admin works in server time).

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