Internal blocked senders
Problem reported by Ronie Tortorella - 8/21/2015 at 7:12 AM
Guys, I would like to understand a question:
By default, SmarterMail ‘internal blocked senders’ seems to be is a feature that does not allow user configuration (see below). All senders who are in the blocked list have yours messages deleted.
I have noticed that it is very common for a beginner costumer unintentionally block a co-worker or himself/herself. When this costumer realizes what he/she have done, it’s too late and have lost important messages irreversibly.
I think that this configuration should be set up by the user. Or, instead of deleting the message from a blocked sender, move it to the junk e-mail folder.
Furthermore, I have notice that some accounts have two rules (a default that deletes messages) and one that can be managed by the user. As it happens, the prevailing is the default rule. Even when I remove this default rule and just keep the new one, the Smartermail recreates the default rule when I block a new sender. It starts to delete messages again.
I need to know if I can give permission to the user to manage the default rule or if I can be able to change the action from ‘delete message’ to  'move message to junk e-mail'?
Many thanks for your attention.

10 Replies

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kevind Replied
This is a legitimate concern.  I've been meaning to address it myself.  Adding an address to 'blocked senders' is way too easy for beginning users who are just learning SmarterMail.  We had one user who selected their entire Inbox, chose Actions->Block Sender and then called us ask why she wasn't receiving any email.
Suggestion #1) Get rid of the option to block senders as it's not needed in today's environment with advanced spam filtering. Blocking an address is useless because spammers don't re-use old addresses.  Users should mark as Junk if they want the system to learn. Furthermore, we don't want users to be blocking legitimate email -- unsubscribe!  If this feature is truly needed for some obscure reason, the user can go into Content Filter and create a rule.
Suggestion #2) If #1 is not an option, explain it better. When user chooses block sender, there's a pop-up.  In the pop-up, list the address(es) being blocked so they can confirm.  Explain that all future messages from this user will be discarded.  Tell them that a rule will be added to the Content Filter in case they want to revert.  Give them an OK and Cancel like all good dialog boxes have so they can back out.  And finally, it would be nice if the default was to move these messages to Deleted Items or Junk instead of /dev/null.
Henry Timmes Replied
I used "Block Sender" all the time - So I think it's needed.  I would still like to see an option to "Block and Delete" the message at the same time. 
But I agree - The user should be able to choose the action you want on the Internal Blocked Senders. I would choose delete. You seem to prefer Move to Junk. 
Suggestion #2) is a nice to have, but it should read "list the address(es)" since you can block many at once.  I hope they implement that suggestion.
Campaign Cleaner - The Ultimate Tool for Optimized, High-Performance Email Campaigns
kevind Replied
Just curious, can you give an example of when you would use block sender?

Also, good catch -- updated post to say "address(es)"
Henry Timmes Replied
I like spam, I don't try to filter it. So when I don't want to see spam from a certain sender anymore I'll block them.

I'm not the average person - using email. I analyze everyone's email to get idea's on how to market to different people. I like to use + addressing, so I can see who's selling emails. I like to analyze the headers and see how they have things set up - If it's a legit company - I sometimes will send them an email offering to help them configure their email correctly.

I just use it differently then most. Then I publish all the spammers I block here:


Which I haven't updated in a while..

Campaign Cleaner - The Ultimate Tool for Optimized, High-Performance Email Campaigns
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello everyone!
Thank you for your thoughts on the Block Sender functionality. In SmarterMail 16.x, which is currently in BETA, messages from blocked senders will no longer be deleted before hitting a user's inbox. Instead, messages from blocked senders will be sent directly to the Junk Email folder. 
I have requested a change to the text displayed in the confirmation window in order to make it more clear what the block will do. 
Thank you!
Cody Ochsenbine Replied
is it configurable to have it DELETE instead of go to the JUNK?
Richard Frank Replied
yes, I am still using v15
can this be fixed for v15?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Richard, I'm not sure whether these changes will be pushed to SmarterMail 15.x. I will let you know what updates I hear.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
With the removal of Bayesian filtering in SmarterMail 17.x (BETA), 16.x and 15.x, we are discussing modifications to the Block Sender / Mark Spam functionality in SmarterMail and the ability for a user to manage spam in their Inbox. However, because there are many posts relating to these topics throughout this Community, we are going to lock these threads and continue the discussion on one centralized thread: 
Please join the discussion here or Subscribe for updates.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Cody, at this time we aren't inclined to provide a configurable block sender filter. Due to feedback from other administrators, behavior from other mail services, and internal discussion, we have decided on sending those messages to the Junk Email folder. That said, we are discussing the functionality on the thread I linked in my reply below, and we are open to modifications. Please join the conversation there.