Domain settings - Footer for all messages - User setting?
Question asked by Ivan - 8/3/2015 at 8:28 AM
I don't think its available, but any thoughts on a Footer option for all messages at the user level?
Like a signature except it is appended to all outgoing mail and not Webmail originated only.

7 Replies

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Robbie Wright Replied
Yes, signatures under domain settings. And you can give people the option to opt out or not. Like legal compliance notices for CPA's, banks or CU's, etc, etc.
Ivan Replied
Thanks Robbie! That's great for the uses you give, good to know.
But for an individual user who may want their own phone number, name, etc. - only as I say, included for all outgoing mail sent via their account.
Robbie Wright Replied
Yup, same thing, look for user settings and the signatures.
Ivan Replied
Do these attach to outgoing email that comes in via SMTP?
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Ivan,
Sorry for not seeing this thread sooner, but I wanted to add a reply for anyone who comes across it. While an end-user option is not available at the moment, SmarterMail does support a system-level message footer than can be appended to both incoming and outgoing messages. 
rishikesh Somshetti Replied
Hi Andrea,

When there are multiple replies and forwards to any domain with footer enabled, we see equal number of footer getting added. It looks messy. Is there a way to suppress duplicate footers?

Rishikesh Somshetti
regards, Rishikesh Somshetti NetGains Technologies Pvt Ltd., Making iT Simple Website: www.netgainstechnologies.com CIOReview - Company of the Month!
Rishikesh Somshetti Replied
Dear team,
I have a issue, the footer is being applied to all outgoing and incoming mails. I want it only for outgoing mails and not the incoming mails. We are using Smartermail 14.5. The issue is that, the header is being duplicated. I want to stop the duplication of the footer.
Regards, NetGains Support Team NetGains Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Making iT Simple Help Desk: +91-22 - 6139 7100 Website : www.netgainstechnologies.com

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