SM 13 Spool issue
Problem reported by Johnny Loh - 5/22/2015 at 6:59 AM
upgrade SM to V13.4 version. 
The spool keep filling up with emails that are "This message no longer exists on this server."
There is no eml files. only hdr in the spool folders. 
Delete all the hdr in spools and restart SM. The emails will all come back. The status show it is "receiving".
The spool will keep increasing until it hang up the SM service. Cannot send or receive. However, the telnet to SMTP works well. Anyone have any idea how to resolve this issue ?
No AV installed. ASpam commtouch also "untick". custom rule "untick". No remote MailAss or AV. no AV commandline either. This is originally a working mail server. no issue no DNS or FW. ( Windows FW also off )
After troubleshooting for 2 days and no hints what causing this. 
It will works again after restarting SM service but after a while it will stop "delivery". SMTP ok. Spool seem to be the one who hang up.   :(

7 Replies

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Johnny Loh Replied
:( no one ?
CCWH Replied
The upgraded three of our SM servers a couple of days ago and have seen no issues. This was on two 2012 R2 and a single 2008 R2. This may sound simplistic, but did you complete a power cycle before / after the upgrade?
Steve Reid Replied
What do your logs say? Make sure they have already been set to detailed.
Johnny Loh Replied
we had upgraded quite a number also. However only this server have issue "activation" license. Need to manual activate. The developer did a "BAD" job when activation failed. They stop the service. Make us confuse thinking the server is down. ( telnet to ports all failed ). Cause the users more than 100 ( free is 10 ). after manual activation, we got this spool issues..... sad.

it sill just freeze for no reason. the htr file is there and no eml files.

status show receiving. 0 size. double click show "message no longer in server". make no sense. U cant recreate the issue. It will just happen anytime and any moment.

Steve Reid Replied
Activation problems do not stop the Smartermail service. There also is no manual activation method.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
You may want to open up a ticket to resolve your issue. What is the date on your HDR files? How long have they been sitting in the folder?
Matt Petty Senior Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Johnny Loh Replied
Activation dont stop SM ? I cant do telnet to the server unless I restart service and able to telnet for a few minutes. After a while it just stop. Cause the license cant be activated. for what reason, I dont know. Telnet will get a reply after the license get activated. ( manually )

manual activation can be done : mailconfig.xml

tickets ? I had wasted 2 tickets and it is still not fixed. 7 days and still waiting.

HDR got to be delete from admin access in webmail. Else even if after restart service. it will freeze up very soon.

hope the above answer all the qns.

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