Smartermail search broken
Question asked by Jon F - 5/19/2015 at 11:33 AM
I have one mail account which whenever I try the search built into smartermail it always reports no results found.  I have re-indexed the account and still search on the mailbox isn't working.  Anyone have any ideas how to fix a broken search for one user's email account?
As a further update it seems to be happening to all mailboxes in smartermail for messages past a certain time.  Older messages can be searched but any message past Saturday and it won't show up.  

3 Replies

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Brian Ellwood Replied
I have this issue/complaint constantly... Items that you can see at the top of folder can't be found via search sometimes regardless if you search by address, subject, body, etc

Glad its not just me!
Fadi Hussein Replied
i'm having same issue with accounts which they have more than 10k of emails, couple time tried to reindex their mailbox but search result still shows nothing.
Jim Vaden Replied
Yes it would be wonderful if there was a fix for this.  I have a rather large mailbox and just like Jon F, there are items at the very top of the folder that I can see but when I search them...nothing.  Anybody?

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