Smartermail 12: Email: Drag and drop
Problem reported by WebHouse, Inc. - 3/24/2014 at 10:52 AM
Just upgraded to Smartermail 12 latest version. Now in the web interface when I go to drag and drop an email into an inbox subfolder I cannot tell what folder I am on. Before we upgraded the subfolder would get "highlighted" in a different color. The color seems to be too close to white now.
We do not have any customizations, we are all default.
Thanks for any assistance,

2 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
You can modify the CSS behind that hover action to make the color a darker grey, or even change it altogether. After a quick look, I modified the hover to a darker grey using this, where #bbbbbc is the darker grey:
ul.treemenu a[href]:hover>span,ul.treemenu a[href]:focus>span,ul.treemenu a[href].hover>span{background-color:#bbbbbc}
Just realize this change *may* impact more than the tree menu hover...
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
WebHouse, Inc. Replied
Thanks. It worked well.

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