Forwarding setting not staying set
Problem reported by Brian Wittig - 10/31/2014 at 10:14 AM
Forwarding problem:
When I set the forwarding to my gmail address it works fine. (for that session).
However, if I log out of SmarterMail Enterprise 11.7, and then I re-login, the setting disappears.
I thought the email setting would be permanent.
Thanks, Brian

14 Replies

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Steve Reid Replied
Perhaps smartermail is having problems writing to the xml config files... Could be a permissions issue.
Joe Wolf Replied
Are you sure you're hitting the "Save" button at the top left of the center section? There is no contrast and many people don't see the "Save" button on the various webmail screens.
Thanks, -Joe
Jeff Van Replied
I am having the same problem.  The forwarding has worked for a year and I have updated the forwarding addresses twice within the year.  However today when I enter the new forwarding addresses and hit SAVE, it says my settings are saved.  And they do save for a period of time.  But when I log back in an hour later, the field is empty and messages are not forwarding.  Five attempts throughout today have all eventually failed.
Any help would be appreciated.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Are you referring to the Settings -> My Settings -> Account Settings -> Forwarding tab?  I am not able to replicate the behavior in SM 11.7, SM 12.5, or SM 13.0.  The forwarding address saves properly and remains even after extended times.
Jeff Van Replied
That is correct. I am going to Settings -> My Settings -> Account Settings -> Forwarding Tab. Typing in 5 email addresses with commas between, click on SAVE, "Your settings have been saved." Go to Inbox, go back to same tab and the addresses are still there. Logout, wait a couple hours, log back in, the same field is empty and the attempts where I have checked the box to "Delete messages after forwarding," that has also reset to being not checked.

I have only been able to keep the settings today by not logging out of account in SM. So far this has worked, but it is not practical.

Thanks for checking into this, Robert.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I'll try following the steps with multiple email addresses and let you know what I come up with.
Jeff Van Replied
Thank you, Robert. I just logged out, closed the window, logged back into eNom to email accounts, clicked on Webmail to access account through SM and the forwarding addresses are gone. This is very frustrating.
Jeff Van Replied
I was just informed more than one email account on this same domain name, forwards are not going through.
Steve Reid Replied
This could be a permissions problem
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi guys,
Sorry you're having trouble with forwarding. I'm not able to offer any advice on troubleshooting this; however, I do have a suggestion for a workaround while this get replicated and fixed.
You can use content filtering to copy or reroute a message to another mailbox. This will give you the similar functionality found on the Forwarding tab. Go to Settings | My Settings | Filtering | Content Filtering. For the conditions listed on the first page, choose "My address in to or cc field." Skip past the next page, and for the actions listed choose either to "Copy message" or "Reroute message". If, when using the Forwarding tab, you chose to "Delete messages when forwarded" you'll want to choose Reroute Message as your action. If you want a copy in both accounts, choose Copy Message. 
Now, one limitation of using content filtering is that you can only enter one email address in the Copy or Reroute field. I tried it with two and the message still arrives in my SmarterMail account but is undeliverable to the forwarded accounts. That being said, if you're forwarding to multiple addresses you'll have to create a separate rule for each. I understand that can be a hassle for those who have a large number of email addresses they're forwarding to, but hopefully for most of you it can be a good workaround until this is resolved.
Hope this helps! 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Jeff, I have been unable to replicate the problem. I am forwarding messages to 5 different addresses with no problems, and the settings are not changing.

After making the changes, check the userConfig.xml. It should list the addresses between the <ForwardList> element and have <deleteMailOnForward> element value set to True.

If this file does not reflect your changes, then as Steve suggests it could be a permissions problem.
Jeff Van Replied
Thank you, Andrea. I just finished doing exactly. We will see how it works.
Jeff Van Replied
Thank you all for your helpful information. eNom support has informed me, "There is a current bug that is causing the entry to delete that we are working to resolve. This should be fixed very soon. "

For now I am using Andrea's suggestion and have created rules to copy to the various emails.

Thank you everyone. Be well.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the reply, Jeff! I'm interested in what could be causing this, as I'm not aware of any known bugs in SmarterMail. Can you keep us updated as you hear more from eNom? Perhaps it's the same issue Brian is seeing as well.

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