How to get a report showing last login info for domain users?
Question asked by Greg Taylor - 10/28/2014 at 7:11 AM
I have a situation where I need to have a report to show me the last time someone logged into an email account.  The Disk Usage Summary shows 'Last Login', but only shows N/A.  I have not found it in custom reports or anywhere else in a report format that is showing that information.  The only way I am getting it is to go Manage each domain on the server and then when I try to print the User page it cuts that info off of the print out.  So is there some way to get that info with having to write it down?

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Greg,

You may want to review the details from the XML file. There is not an option to display the last login per say and we may be able to look into this further on the reporting. The default location of the file is:
[C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service\LastLoginTimes.xml]

You may want to make a copy and or use Excel and create a spreadsheet.

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