Mobile Mail Features
Idea shared by Craig Severance - 10/23/2014 at 9:56 PM
The mobile version seems to be an afterthought of the standard mail application and needs some significant work. Mobile version does not display hyperlinks in the text so it is almost impossible to follow a url that is sent in the mail because you have to copy and paste it. This is a real pain in the ass using a phone to do this. Pictures also do not display in the body of the emails. These would be nice features to have.

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Craig,
Thank you for your requests! 
The mobile interface was originally created for older smartphones with much smaller screens. More recent smartphones generally come with robust apps for email, calendar and contacts. You can use free protocols, including IMAP, CalDAV and CardDAV, to easily sync with your SmarterMail account. This will allow your data to sync directly to your phone, without needing to go through the Web browser. More information on the many syncing methods available can be found in the help article: Synchronizing with SmarterMail
Thats a good point, but caldav and carddav implementaion I use have some other problems: birthday is changed during sync from smartphone to SM (no, it not an error of the app!). Calender naming (always MyCalendar), Subcalender, Tasks.

I look forward and hope this will be fixed soon, cause it realy makes it impossible to use these "open" features reliabley.

However, SM shows many realy impressive features!

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