Signature not being applied when sending via Outlook
Question asked by Jason Mehmet - 9/29/2014 at 3:44 AM
I've created a default signature which works exactly as required when I create e-mail from the web-based interface.
When I send an e-mail from the same account via Outlook the signature is not added.
I had thought that this signature feature simply created a server-side signature that was applied to all out-bound e-mails, is this not the case? Is there a way to apply this signature to all out-bound e-mails so as to avoid creating individual signatures within Outlook for all users?
Many Thanks

15 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Jason,
Thanks for the inquiry. You are correct. The Signatures that are created within SmarterMail will only appear / apply for the web interface emails. Outlook and other email clients have their own signature fields and configurations. At this time there is not a way to apply the signatures to the emails externally.
Steve Reid Replied
How can you say "You are correct"? Did you even read his question? His statement about how he thought Smartermail worked was in fact not correct at all.
Gary Hanley Replied
Is this ever going to be implemented - I have a client comparing Smartermail to Exchange.

This is possible in exchange.

He wants to keep his signature the same on all devices iPhone, iPad, Android, PC etc...
Roger Replied
This post was many years ago now and I'm taking the liberty of sharing my comments here as well.

SmarterMail includes the feature to manage the domain wide or even the global signature settings and to let a user add his own signatures. This functionality suggests that the signature management works across applications and is attached after the message is sent.

However, this is not the case. The signature is only used when the webmail is used. In the context of SmarterMail with the functionality of EAS, EWS, etc., it only seems to make sense here that signatures are also automatically appended when sending with applications like Outlook or others.

So I would welcome it very much if this function would be implemented accordingly. Variables can be used in the signature management that cannot be used so easily by Outlook, eM, etc..

Many thanks

Karl Jones Replied
Bump for consideration if not already available in the new Beta.
Robert Mathias Replied
This would be incredibly useful for all our clients, as they all use Outlook and make frequent changes to their signatures.
Roger Replied
I imagine an implementation like CodeTwo here. Personally, I am not concerned with the domain signature being displayed in an e-mail client such as Outlook. It is absolutely obvious that this is not technically possible.

However, when the message is sent by the MTA, it should definitely be possible for the signature to be attached. The mail is then displayed in the outbox including the signature. This is how CodeTwo does it. The signature is attached after sending.

Thanks and greetings

Roger Replied
I found out that it works when using eM Client with SmarterMail's signature. But still not with Outlook.

Is it Outlook that does not support this or is it SmarterMail that cannot provide it compatible to Outlook with the EAS/EWS/MAPI protocol?

Thanks and greetings
Michael Replied
Would love to see domain signatures populate when using Outlook. 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi all, 

I wanted to let you know that we have a task to investigate the possibility of adding server-side signature support for MAPI. As for EAS, unfortunately, it doesn't support this behavior. 
Roger Replied
Hello Andrea

Thanks for your feedback, I'm very pleased that this was picked up as a task and look forward to using it in the wild then.

I think it is important to note that the signature will be displayed directly in Outlook when composing the mail as it is already the case today with eM Client.

Adding a signature later when the mail is sent is therefore very problematic because signing with pgp or s/mime and email encryption would then cause problems.

Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello, All

We did some testing against Exchange and SmarterMail to verify we're doing everything we can!  

Outlook on Windows (MAPI) or MacOS (EWS) store signatures locally, and those signatures aren't synced back to the server. In this respect, both Exchange and SmarterMail behave identically. 

With eM Client and SmarterMail this DOES work and signatures sync back to the server when using EWS and/or IMAP.  eM Client has done a ton of custom development against our API's to make for an enhanced experience related to Signatures and many other areas as well. More information on this in the near future.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Michael Replied
Derek Curtis - look forward to more updates in the near future! A long desired feature for sure.

Ps. We have SmarterMail MAPI accounts in Outlook. After adding our first signature manually within Outlook client and restarting Outlook we see a pop up in a new message pane that notes that Signatures are now "roaming" and "...now available on all your devices."

But the signature isn't available in SmarterMail webmail or the user's EAS mobile devices. Seems exclusive to the Office 365 experience but since the account is MAPI / Exchange Outlook assumes it behaves same? Not sure there.

It'd be pretty cool however if the admin could add signatures in the SmarterMail admin area and then those signatures could roam to all the user's devices including Outlook.

Todd R Replied
Hate to revive an old thread but the suggestion to make this like CodeTwo is spot on.  It seems like what some people are trying to accomplish is a visual signature before sending.  I'm not sure why you need to see your signature in your email, just send it and let the rest happen automagically.  We have thousands of email accounts that go through CodeTwo and everyone loves it.

As for SmarterMail implementing it, just allow us to put variables in the footer and it's done!  You already have the ability to append to the email. If only you made the signature act like the footer, appending it, or added variables to the footer with a WYSIWYG we would have the same functionality as CodeTwo.

So, my question is why are we trying to re-invent the wheel to sync signatures all over the place?  Just configure the signature in the web portal and append it to sent mail.

Many mobile devices and apps don't allow for html formatted signatures, so the visual/sync approach won't even work for the majority of mobile use cases.  Please just let SM append to the email with the signature, please!
Michael Replied
Wow. Yea. To have SmarterMail have a value add and perform similar to CodeTwo signatures would be so awesome!! Regardless of what device you send from you get a beautiful signature based on custom fields.

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