Security best practice document
Question asked by Anthony DePinto - 9/25/2014 at 5:49 AM
Is there a security best practices document for SmarterMail?  Things like setting up RBLs, settings we should use for Abuse Detection, etc.  

2 Replies

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Steve Reid Replied
Yes there is... Bruce Barnes has the antispam bible located here: http://portal.chicagonettech.com/kb/a171/smartermail-antispam-settings-document.aspx
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Anthony!
Steve was right in giving you Bruce's antispam document; we have many customers who utilize this and are happy with the results. If you're looking for something a bit more basic you can also look at the Knowledge Base article, Recommended SPAM Settings
We also have a blog post that covers SmarterMail security and some common ways to avoid blacklists. You can view that here: 5 Ways to Avoid Being Blacklisted. This goes over things like setting up abuse detection, locking down mailing lists, using throttling and more.
Hope this helps! 

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