Smartermail upgrade to V12.x
Question asked by Ed Recker - 9/25/2014 at 5:36 AM
I currently have Smartermail v10.6 installed on a windows server and it is running just fine.  I want to retire that server.  I want to install the newest version of 12.x on a newer more robust windows server.  Can someone provide any guidance or documentation on what is the best procedure to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance. 

2 Replies

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Steve Reid Replied
I would update the old server and then move the install...

It's fairly straight forward, after you move the contents of c:\smartermail and the xmls from C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service to the new server, install smartermail and it should just work.
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Ed!
Thanks for asking about this. You can follow the steps here to accomplish this: Migrate SmarterMail to a Different Server. Typically we recommend migrating to the same version; however, since you're only two majors away and there weren't any major file structure changes, it shouldn't cause any problems. 
If you want to break it up into two steps you can either upgrade first and then migrate or vice versa. Here's the article on how to do a Major Upgrade of SmarterMail in case that's the route you take. 
Hope that helps!

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