How to perform a login through code?
Question asked by Sanidin Muratbegovic - 9/12/2014 at 5:17 AM
I found one old thread here: http://forums.smartertools.com/threads/smartermail-7-4-single-sign-on.23372/
But it does not work anymore :) 

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Sanidin,
Here are two articles that should give you the instructions on how to configure single sign-on:
I hope this helps!
Sanidin Muratbegovic Replied
Thanks for your reply Andrea,
but none of provided solutions can't solve my problem.

I could use first solution but problem is that this can only be performed between two sites that share the same base domain.
In my case sites don't share the same base domain :(

Is is possible to login user by changing current user session ?

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