SSL certificate for email server
Question asked by JOHNNY LE - 1/17/2014 at 11:50 AM
I am confuse about which domain to buy for SSL certificate for our company email server.
Currently, we have a website http://www.companydomain.com and got a SSL Cert for https://secure.companynam.com. Our email server domain are http://webmail.companydomain.com and mail.companydomain.com for POP/SMTP.
So in order to setup a SSL for our email server, what is the (sub-)domain that I should buy? Thanks alots for your time. Johnny Le

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
The ideal certificate type for your situation would be a wildcard certificate. This basically means you can secure *.companydomain.com. So, a wildcard cert would cover www.companydomain.com, secure.companydomain.com, webmail.companydomain.com and mail.companydomain.com with a single certificate purchase.
All that being said, depending on the company you purchased the original certificate from, if you contact them back you should be able to get a refund for the cert you purchased for secure.companyname.com and then purchase a wildcard. Most SSL companies I've dealt with are pretty forgiving - especially if you purchase a replacement cert - and a more expensive one at that - from them.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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