Searching error log in SM v13.3 - Application Stopping. Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
Question asked by Davin Smyth - 4/30/2015 at 4:14 AM
When searching the error log in SM v 13.3 and not specifying search criteria we see quite a few errors daily stating 
[2015.04.21] =======
[2015.04.21] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.04.21] [2015-04-21 02:17:33 AM]
[2015.04.21] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.04.21] =======
[2015.04.21] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.04.21] [2015-04-21 03:46:21 AM]
[2015.04.21] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.04.21] =======
[2015.04.21] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.04.21] [2015-04-21 04:14:31 AM]
[2015.04.21] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.04.21] =======
[2015.04.21] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.04.21] [2015-04-21 04:37:31 AM]
[2015.04.21] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.04.21] =======
The only thing we can thing of checking is  IIS application pool for the SM site and its only set recycle every 29 hours / 1740 minutes. 
If we look at smartermail desktop application " smartermailv4 checker" the server has been up and running for 21 days, this only rests when we stop or start services or reboot the box, so not sure what the error in the log is referencing.
Can anyone else assist or have the same problem.

6 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Davin,
Thanks for the inquiry. Can you please confirm if there is any other issue observed with the SmarterMail application. Those warning messages may reference the SmarterMail application resetting itself and the IIS pool may be recycled. I'm not certain this is related to an issue with the web sessions expiring. Please let us know if you are experiencing any difficulties with the application and open a Support Ticket.
Thank You.
Davin Smyth Replied
Hi Joseph,

We have not had any problems to report on. No complaints from clients is a good thing, no only real complaint we get/query is clients don't get emails delivered, we search logs and they where delivered to recipient servers so all is then fine.

Searched error log again today and noticed the same entries originally posted as well as another type of error.
How could we addess the problem SmarterMail application resetting itself, where do we look, what to potentiality change to see if the errors stop occurring. After that we could then log a ticket.

[2015.05.26] =======
[2015.05.26] [CurrentUser: unknown]
[2015.05.26] [5/26/2015 11:24:08 AM]
[2015.05.26] http://webmail.xxxx.com/Main/frmMessages.aspx?user=jayne&folder=inbox&mapped=false&leftnav=true
[2015.05.26] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[2015.05.26] at SMWeb.Main.frmMessages.GetMessagesMetaData(String sessionKey)
[2015.05.26] at SMWeb.Main.frmMessages.get_UserSettings()
[2015.05.26] at SMWeb.Main.frmMessages.OnInit(EventArgs e)
[2015.05.26] at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)
[2015.05.26] at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
[2015.05.26] Application Error
Smarter Mail v13.3
Davin Smyth Replied
Anyone able to assist.
Smarter Mail v13.3
Bruce Barnes Replied
There's already a very lengthy discussion of this topic here:
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Phill Healey Replied
Ive just noticed the same repeated error in our logs. It seems to occurr roughly everuy 30 mins or 1 hour. Any ideas or follow up info available on thiss??
Smarter Mail 14 is doing the same thing.  I have clients that are trying to send emails and attachements and they are getting an "oops" screen.  I opened my browser, tried to log in and got the same oops screen. so this has not beend resolved yet even with a major version update ?
The log shows this line : [2015.07.12] System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate.
For when i tried to log in.
Also a little unsettling is that if you click on
http: //mail.leewardhabitat.org/Main/frmCompose.aspx?popup=true
it generates log data.
If your not logged in you should not be able to get to that page to begin with.

[2015.07.09] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.07.09] [7/9/2015 12:51:50 PM]
[2015.07.09] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.07.09] =======
[2015.07.09] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.07.09] [7/9/2015 1:09:28 PM]
[2015.07.09] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.07.09] =======
[2015.07.09] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.07.09] [7/9/2015 2:09:49 PM]
[2015.07.09] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.07.10] =======
[2015.07.10] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.07.10] [7/10/2015 5:10:09 AM]
[2015.07.10] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.07.10] =======
[2015.07.10] [CurrentUser: ]
[2015.07.10] [7/10/2015 7:49:33 PM]
[2015.07.10] Application Stopping.  Reason: The hosting environment shut down the application
[2015.07.10] =======
[2015.07.10] [CurrentUser: unknown]
[2015.07.10] [7/10/2015 7:49:55 PM]
[2015.07.10] http: //mail.leewardhabitat.org/Main/frmCompose.aspx?popup=true
[2015.07.10] System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate.
[2015.07.10]     Client IP:
[2015.07.10]     Port: 49262
[2015.07.10]     Referer: http: //mail.leewardhabitat.org/Main/frmCompose.aspx?popup=true
[2015.07.10]     Path: /Main/frmCompose.aspx
[2015.07.10]     User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0
[2015.07.10]     ViewState: 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...
[2015.07.10] Application Error
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