Start a community of people who are tired of the poor service of Smartmail.
Idea shared by Lee Baldwin - 4/19/2015 at 5:17 PM
I find the responses to questions to smart mail to be very poor.
Than when responding to the smartmail response, since the response was so poor, they don't answer.
We should do a campaing which tries to get people to move away from Web Hosting that uses Smart-Mail to handle there mail systems.

3 Replies

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This is a community supported forum, when you post here, responses are generally from other Smartertools users.

If you want dedicated support for your Smartertools product with an SLA you should look at their support options here http://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a2923/email-and-phone-support.aspx and here http://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a2925/emergency-24x7-support.aspx

I was thoroughly amused by your suggestion of making a campaign to move people away from web hosts that use Smartertools products, I would love to be entertained by your suggestion of alternative products.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Lee. I wanted to address the main crux of the issue you brought up to our Sales Team. As an aside, I took a look at the response you received and, regardless of whether you agree with the information provided, what you were told was thorough and complete. As mentioned in that reply, we try to create a mobile version of the interface to accommodate the most features for the most devices. However, there are limitations to what we can provide, so the mobile interface may be more limited for some than others. However, with the number of syncing protocols supported by SmarterMail, you can easily add your SmarterMail account to the default mail client that's provided with your device, and generally any mobile email client will allow IMAP connections.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
If his complaints stem from the mobile interface then I can kind of see where he is coming from.
The mobile interface is very bad indeed. I do not think it has ever been updated either.

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