Why am I getting this error: "Please enter the text with which to prefix the subject"
Problem reported by John Kisha - 4/13/2015 at 1:00 PM
I'm trying to change the SPAM filter for a domain from "Override Spam settings for this domain" to "use default spam settings" but when I save the change I am getting this error: "Please enter the text with which to prefix the subject"
Anybody have any ideas. 
SmarterMail Enterpise
Version 13.3 whatever is the latest version.

9 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
John, thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I was able to successfully replicate the bug.  I have added to this our bugs list and will change this thread from a question to a problem and mark it was known.
In the meanwhile, go to System Adminn | Antispam Administration | Filtering tab and make sure that any of the spam probability actions with "Prefix subject with text" has a value in the "Text to Add" field.  If that field is blank, you will get the error you received.
John Kisha Replied
Thanks for your quick reply Robert. Unfortunately, that didn't fix my problem.  I wanted to upload a screen capture, but it appears there is no way to do that in this forum.
Here are the settings in System Admin |  Antispam Administration:
Low Probability - 10 - Take No Action
Medium - 15 - Prefix subject with text: "Junk E-Mail"
High Probability - 50 - Move to Junk E-Mail folder
And I still get the error. (Actually, that's one of the first things I checked prior to posting.)
Employee Replied
Employee Post
John, can you set all of the override settings to no action, save, then change domain setting to use default settings, and save again?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
John, you can upload an image by using the WYSIWYG editor. Expand the editor to see all of the icons. To the right of the hyperlink icons, you'll see a square icon that looks like a mountain scene. Hover over it and you'll see it's the Image button.
John Kisha Replied
Yeah! That got rid of the error, but brings up another question. So, when the domain was using custom settings and they also changed the weights; when you revert back to using the default settings shouldn't the weights revert back to the default values too? (Because in my case they are not reverting back to the defaults set in the System Admin section.) 

I know that if changes are made for other things, they would not automatically propagate; but it would seem that the SPAM values should. I mean isn't that what "Use Default Settings" implies? 
And regarding uploading an image, that picture button does not have that functionality. I can upload the file on my server and post a link to it to be viewed here, but I can't upload a file from my computer directly. And frankly, having to a. take a screen shot, b. having to upload it to the server then c. determine the url and finally click on your little picture icon and paste in the URL is--well a PITA. 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
John, I noticed the settings not reverting to higher level defaults (domain to system or user to domain).  I've made a note of this in our bugs list as well.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
John, I have discussed the current difficulties of including pictures into posts with our SmarterTrack team. Especially the case when some posters may at any future date pull those URLs down, we would lose the graphic in the post. They have added it to their feature request list for further discussion.
John Kisha Replied
Thanks. I also doesn't appear to be deleting weights if the RBL is no longer used. Glad it's now noted and on the list. 
Steve Reid Replied
Would be great to have!

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