Can't delete several emails from iPhone - Unable to Move Message
Problem reported by Neal Culiner - 4/7/2015 at 8:42 AM
I'm using EAS on my SM 13 build 5535 Enterprise server.  I have a few messages in my iPhone that for whatever reason will not delete, they keep showing unread and keep coming back after attempts to delete them.  When I delete them from the iOS Mail app I get a message:
"Unable to Move Message"
"The message could not be moved to the mailbox Trash."
I logged in to web mail and the messages are not there.  How can I resolve this?
Thank you

2 Replies

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Neal Culiner Replied
I googled and found an answer at https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4014036?tstart=0 which worked which is to go into the iOS Settings/Mail area and turn MAIL (only) off, wait a few seconds, turn it back on.  So far so good...seems to have resynced.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for posting your solution, glad to hear you were able to get everything up and running !
I'll proceed to mark this thread as resolved. 

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