Allow user to delete an email's attachments via webmail interface
Idea shared by Ivan - 3/26/2015 at 1:50 PM
Under Consideration

23 Replies

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The entire email with the attachment can be deleted, but no I do not think you can delete just the attachment.
Actually, i would REALLY like a feature like this.
I want to archive emails, the conversations, but i don't care about many of the attachments. It would be great to be able to go through a mailbox and tell it to strip off the attachments. It would greatly reduce the amount of storage space required to archive info.
Is there any way to drop attachments ?  even if directly from the server ?
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
We are also quite interested in this functionality. We would like to use the Web interface to delete attachments without deleting the email.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for your feedback! As stated, at this time it's not possible to delete only the attachments of an email. However, I have changed this thread from a Question to an Idea in order to facilitate tracking on this request. 
Thank you!
Any chance this is making it into SM 16?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Shaun! This functionality will not be available in 16.0. However, depending on the effort to implement, it's possible this could be included in a minor version release.
@Andrea - has there been any further discussion about if / when this might get added in an upcoming minor?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
This won't make it into 16.x as modifying the body of an email message is quite an undertaking. (Based on how SmarterMail builds the message.) However, I've added it for discussion for 17.x as it fits nicely with the ability to preview images uploaded as attachments when composing a message. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
This would be HUGE for us! It would be amazing if we could have this in R17. Thank you :)
Does this mean V16 is being abandoned already?
Kendra Support http://www.kendra.com support@kendra.com 425-397-7911 Junk Email filtered ISP
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Matthew...as mentioned, rebuilding how SmarterMail builds a message is a huge task, and not something that fits into a minor upgrade. It would be like rebuilding Contacts. That type of change is best suited to a major version timeline.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
We`re OK with V17 if it will make it there.
Here's how to easily program this feature in.
The uses uses the Type feature to view and select all emails with attachments.
He then selects the emails he wants to delete all attachments. THEN
(1) The program generates forwarded emails without attachments. The subject line of each email contains data about which folder the email came from.
(2) The program automatically sends and receives the forwarded emails
(3) The program uses the subject's data to place the forwarded emails into their correct folders.
Now that a copy without attachments is made, the originals with the attachments can be deleted. Most users would be happy with this.

Using this method, all the complexity of modifying the body of an email message is bypassed. It's as simple as forwarding an email to one's self.
Please see my suggestion to Derek about SmarterMail using the forwarding feature to easily create emails without attachments. This is a quick solution that should not take longer than a day to program because there is no modifying of the body of an email message. Just forwarding it to one's self.
Aloha Derek !
Has this gotten any more traction ?  Even with Ray's suggestion above ? That seems like a fairly easy work around.
I am here today realizing our server has only 2 gig of free space on the hard drive and am having to find a quick way to reduce space.  My own personal mailbox has 5 Gig of data in a single folder, and i realistically need only about 1 gig of those attachments,. everything else is non essential.
It would be awesome to be able to strip off those excess 4 gigs of data, but instead i have to delete the entire discussions just to free up space.  Hoping that something can be automated in the future.
Thanks !
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
It would be really nice for this to be a feature in smartermail, but as a workaround, Ray's suggestion above also doubles as a manual workaround. You could forward the e-mail to yourself and remove the attachments of the forward by hitting the X in the top right of the listed attachments. And then you can keep the full e-mail chain in the new e-mail and delete the old one; so still having to delete the e-mail discussion, but you preserve it with the new e-mail.
just had a customer ask for just this!
cant believe its still not an option I know it sounds like a lot of work but its a MASSIVE thing to be able to do for webmail users and a large chunk of my customers only use web mail and don't want to pay for space so they try to delete attachments to save space only to find they cant!
I believe this is a necessary function for the enterprise.  We have employees who need to keep a record of messages but they can save the attachments locally.
It appears that you can do just this in Outlook/Office 365 but not in gmail. Kindly correct me if you have different information.
+10. Please.
you can delete an attachment in current version SM17 but It would be nice to be able to view the attachment. 

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