Forwarding mail from a shared mailbox attaches mail from another folder and sends the incorrect email!
Problem reported by Jade D - 8/26/2014 at 1:17 AM
What a complete violation of privacy!
When forwarding mail from a shared mailbox, the attached mail is not the intended mail but rather another email from another folder.
Sloppy coding is no excuse.

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for reporting this. 

In attempts to replicate this I configured a user's compose options within the web interface and set the forwarding action to attach the original message on forward instead of just the message body.

When forwarding the message, the original message is never attached. I'm unable to replicate the same behavior you are seeing where the incorrect message is attached however it does appear that something wrong is occurring with this function that warrants further investigation. I'm going to mark this issue as Known in the mean time since I was able to replicate similar behavior that needs to be reviewed.

Since I am unable to replicate the exact scenario you are encountering, I'd recommend opening a support ticket with us to look into why the wrong e-mail is being attached upon forward and we should be able to get this taken care of for you. The support ticket will be credited back to your account if the behavior is the result of a bug on our end.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I discussed the issue that I was able to replicate (Forwarded e-mail from shared mailbox is never attached) with our developers and they have confirmed this as a bug and will be working towards a resolution for a future minor release.
I still urge you to submit a support ticket with us to look into the issue further that you are facing with the incorrect e-mail getting attached, we will be glad to look into this behavior further and work with you to correct the problem.

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