Missing Domain Settings Events
Question asked by Michael Barber - 3/6/2015 at 10:24 AM
And my interface does NOT have these EVENTS!
The only events I have for mailing list are: Mailing List Added, Mailing List Deleted, and Message sent to Mailing List
How do I get the rest of these events to show up?
I recently updated to version 12.5 so maybe this is something that is an attribute of the previous version?

8 Replies

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Michael Barber Replied
Anyone?  Anything?  I have a feeling this is a bug and believe it is because I upgraded all the way from version 4.0 and the upgrade did not "replace" the legacy EVENTS as a part of the upgrade.
Where are these "events" defined in the software?
Steve Reid Replied
You might have to open a support ticket to get this straightened out.
Michael Barber Replied
Yeh, I was think that....
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I agree with Steve that you may need to submit a support ticket in order to get this issue resolved. You should definitely be seeing those events when logged in as the System or Domain Administrator. 
Michael Barber Replied
I opened a case. They basically want me to do a reinstall...so I'm trying to find time now to take down our mail server.....
Michael Barber Replied
Marked As Answer
I talked with support and despite these KB's not clearly noting it, these features are not available in the professional edition, only the Enterprise edition.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Michael, thank you for updating the thread. The KB articles you commented on have been updated to note that they are Enterprise only.
Michael Barber Replied
Ok, but can you mark my other question http://portal.smartertools.com/community/a1790/automatic-mail-list-cleansing.aspx (unanswered). There has to be another way to do this without upgrading to enterprise. That is a lot of money for this one feature.

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