"Domain administrator" choose to assign only the System Administrator
Idea shared by BMark - 2/26/2015 at 9:03 AM
I would like to ask if you can implement a function to SmarterMail:
Choose to assign the "domain administration" not to an email-domain but the manager (system administrator).
Because some customers do not know how to handle yourself the domain and they can cause damage, such as cancellations other users, aliases, change email, and other ..
Think it may be useful this feature?
thank you,

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You could do this by just making the Domain Administrator a cryptic name that you only know and would never receive email.
Thanks, -Joe
Hi Joe, This is true, but it seems useless to create an email address for the domain management, that would be just an email unused. I think that perhaps it would be better to create a choice option in the panel domain of the system administrator, so that only he (if personifies the domain) can manage the domain.
I agree with you, I was just pointing out that it's possible to do. I failed to consider that some may have a limited number of email accounts available.
Thanks, -Joe

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