Display name sets to N/A and password goes blank
Problem reported by Patrick Hedgepath - 8/18/2014 at 9:07 AM
Recently we have had a couple of people call in and say their email was telling them bad password. When we go look at these accounts in the admin portal the username is always N/A and the password is blank. Anybody else run into this problem?

6 Replies

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
What version of SmarterMail are you running?
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Patrick Hedgepath Replied
SmarterMail Enterprise Edition
Version 12.3.5318
Brad Kingsley Replied
We are seeing this same behavior. Has this been addressed in the next release of SmarterMail?
Colton Morrison Replied
Why is there no response to this thread from SmarterTools?
We just ran into this problem and it's serious, 1234 user accounts can no longer login. Big Problem for SmarterMail!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Colton, what version of SM are you currently using? This issue should have been resolved in SM 13.3. Also, did this issue occur after rebooting your server? This issue was known to occur immediately after a server reboot.
Colton Morrison Replied
Version 11.7. Yes, VM experienced a hard power off due to VM BugCheck (BSOD).
Found the Release notes for that fix here:
For others:
Restore the userConfig.xml files for the affected users from backup and restart the SmarterMail Service to resolve. Worked for us.

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