Mobile Interfaces - Auto redirect or App
Idea shared by Chaz Garrett - 2/5/2015 at 8:31 AM
I just noticed yall had a mobile interface on the login. I think you should either make the browser default to the mobile view or even make it an app.  I would be more prone to using it that way rather than syncing to the mail icon on my phone. 

4 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the suggestion, Chaz! The mobile interface has been talked about in a couple of threads in the Community; I listed a few below. 
Out of curiosity, can I ask why you'd be more likely to use the mobile interface over syncing directly to your phone?
If it was in an app form where I could access my calendars and and all of the other features, that I can't access through syncing it to my phone, it would be great. The people in my office dont use all of the features now so we don't pay for the exchange activesync. But I do use all of them and use a web browser on mobile devices to check everything except my email. And for some weird reason, I had to log in again today and noticed the mobile login. I think its an awesome feature and a lot easier to see everything. I just think it would be cool if there was an app that worked the same way (so i wouldn't have to use a browser) or a redirect so I dont have to select it.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the suggestion, Chaz! I can see the validity in your case. One thing you can do in the meantime is create a bookmark in your browser or a shortcut to the Web page on your home screen. You can go directly to the mobile interface by adding mobile/login.aspx to the end of the URL. For example: mail.yourdomain.com/Mobile/Login.aspx. You would then just need to click Login (if you have "Remember Me" selected) to enter the mobile view.
Auto redirect for mobile has been asked for many times. For whatever reason over the years it has been ignored.
It seems that having a fully updated and functional mobile interface would eliminate support time wasted on the million different email clients out there on all different types of phones.
With one mobile interface or app directly from smartertools it would be much better.

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