Bounce.IO Monetization
Problem reported by Joseph Rebis - 1/25/2015 at 10:20 AM
I just got around to checking this out. It seems to have good potential if my customers allow. The only problem is that there is little information on getting this setup properly.
I see the SM has put out some articles and through them and the comments, I have been able to get it "working". Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any real help information at the Bounce.IO website on what to do. In fact they only have one KB article- so I am just guessing.
This SM article helped me get setup: http://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a2951/enable-bounce_io-integration.aspx
Okay I see that I can create templates that I can add ads to them- so I guess I am supposed to monetize myself? I am not sure how this benefits Bounce.IO or how their Revenue Report is supposed to calculate revenue. There doesn't appear to be an API callback from the ad to report a sale. I like the idea I can monetize myself but a default set of ads or something might be good.
I also understand that the enhanced bounce message only gets sent to my customers that send a message to a 3rd party which is bounced. I would have thought it would be other way around since that is probably the larger audience. I get that perhaps it's because the mail provider handles these messages. 
Lastly, the return attachments are good for debugging purposes but I think it would be best if they were both TXT attachments. 
Any guidance from other users, SM or Bounce.IO wold be appreciated.

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