New SmarterMail Event - Incoming Message Threshold
Idea shared by Shaun Peet - 6/27/2014 at 10:48 AM
We're using a mailbox to store transactional / notification type messaging.  Specifically when our product has an unhandled exception it sends an email to this particular mailbox.
This product currently has about 300 installations, so the occasional exception is fairly normal and therefore we don't need to monitor that mailbox all the time.
However, if we introduce a bug in the product, then the number of exceptions will sky-rocket and flood the mailbox with issues.
In the meantime we've got a "user" alert to let us know if the mailbox has more than 1% storage in it but under normal scenarios we'll get that notification every so often.
We're proposing a new event if possible, that can be similar to a throttling event for outgoing message but instead measure incoming messages to a single mailbox and trigger an alert when that happens.  For example, set the conditions that when X messages are received within X minutes, then trigger the alert.
Thanks for the consideration.

6 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Shaun, I have added your idea to our future feature request list for further consideration and possible implementation.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
After further review with the dev. team, we recognize the value of adding the incoming message threshold event into a future major release of SmarterMail.  I'm changing the status to Planned.
This idea was marked as planned back in 2014.  I tried to create an event this morning in SM16 for this and can't seem to find the condition to make this work.  Was this ever added?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Shaun, this will be in the .1 release tomorrow.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Awesome - thanks for adding. I've enabled this on my error reporting email address so hopefully I never have to use it :)
Employee Replied
Employee Post
In the latest release, SmarterMail 16.1.6411, an Incoming Message Threshold condition for Message Received events has been added. Thanks for the suggestion, Shaun!  

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