web service create user
Question asked by hamed khadem - 12/28/2014 at 6:47 AM
I want to know is it possible to automate end user creation in SmarterTrack with API ? i want to integrate smarterTrack with my website,
if it is possible please give me API function that i can create end user with it,

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Hamed,
Yes, you can automate end user creations with SmarterTrack's extensive Web Services. To find this API function, follow this link and click on svcOrganization. This will bring you to the list of API functions that will allow you to integrate user creation with your website.
I hope this helps!
Timothy Shidal Replied
Does svcOrganization allow you to set the authentication type and authentication domain if you are using Active Directory Integration?  
We have found that we can add the users directly to the st_Users table with the correct authentication type and authentication domain.  It looks like we can then set the user's role through the API.  Is there a danger is using this method?
Timothy W. Shidal Director | Office of Information Technologies Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Post Office Box 22020 | Fort Worth, TX 76122 office 817.923.1921 x2485 | tshidal@swbts.edu

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