How to suppress auto-response for tickets from specific email addresses?
Question asked by Michael Woffenden - 12/18/2014 at 6:07 AM
We want to be able to suppress the auto-response when an incoming ticket is created by (i.e. sent from) specific email addresses.
Is there any way to do this?

5 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
To prevent an auto-responder to a specific email address login as the system admin and go to Settings | System Settings | Set up | Emails and enter in the email address in the options tab. After that has been saved the next time an email is received by the email address no auto-responder should go out.
Michael Woffenden Replied
Thanks Brian, I did not know that option was available!
Ben Santiardo Replied
How is this performed in v11.x? The menu system has completely changed and I don't see this option.
____________________________________ Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Ben Santiardo Replied
Oh wait, I think I found it under:
> Options
- Autoresponder Blacklist
____________________________________ Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Brad Hall Replied
To block a domain, do you just add the domain or d we need to wildcard it? i.e. *@domain.com

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