Multiple Automatic SSL Certs for the Same Hostname

Occasionally, when using SmarterMail's automatic SSL certificates, a system administrator may see multiple certificates for the same domain name. In our experience, this is because the system administrator has set each domain (or multiple domains) on the server with the same hostname. 

This is usually because the system administrator has each SmarterMail user logging in to their individual webmail interfaces using the same domain. For example, a hosting provider like may want each user to log in to webmail using as opposed to logging in to using a login unique to their own domain. As a result, each domain in SmarterMail has set as their hostname.

When SmarterMail goes through and generates automatic SSL certificates, it uses the hostnames set up for domains in the Domains list. If all domains have the same hostname, certificates will be generated for each domain, using that hostname. So if a server has 10 domains, each with the same hostname, then 10 certificates are generated FOR that hostname. If 3 of those domains have the same hostname, then 3 certificates are generated FOR that hostname. 

This is not a problem. If system admins want, then can go through and disable any unnecessary, duplicated certificates, from the Automatic Certificates tab, either by right-clicking on a Hostname and selecting Disable from the context menu, or selecting one or more Hostnames and selecting Disable from the Actions (⋮) menu.