Groups are a subset of a department. You can have multiple groups for one department. Examples of groups might be Support Level 1, Support Escalation, and Support Management. Each of these are part of the Support department, but represent different stages of support.

Applies to SmarterTrack 11.x-12.x

  1. Login to the SmarterTrack management interface as a system administrator.
  2. Click the Settings icon.
  3. Expand the Manage folder and click on Groups. A list of available groups will load in the content pane.
  4. Click New in the content pane toolbar.
  5. In the Options tab select the department that the group will belong to.
  6. In the Group Name field, type the name of the group.
  7. click Save.

Applies to SmarterTrack 6.x - 10.x

To create a group in SmarterTrack, follow these steps:

  1. Log into SmarterTrack as a system administrator.
  2. Click Management Interface in the portal.
  3. Click on the Settings icon.
  4. Expand the System Settings and Organization folders in the navigation pane.
  5. Click Groups. A list of available groups will load in the content pane.
  6. Click New in the content pane toolbar.
  7. Click the Options tab.
  8. In the Department field, select the department that the group will belong to from the list.
  9. In the Group Name field, type the name of the group.
  10. Click Save.

All other configuration settings are optional. For more information, please refer to the Groups page in the SmarterTrack Online Help.


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