Allow Domain Administrators to Assign ActiveSync Mailboxes

Before a SmarterMail user can sync with the Exchange ActiveSync protocol, their mailbox must first be assigned as one of the allotted ActiveSync mailboxes. System Administrators can assign ActiveSync mailboxes themselves or allow a Domain Administrator to assign ActiveSync mailboxes to users on their domain.
Enabling a domain's ActiveSync user management is done in two parts: 1) Allowing Domain Admins to assign mailboxes and 2) adding a limit to the number of allotted ActiveSync mailboxes.


Applies to SmarterMail Enterprise 15.x

Enabling ActiveSync User Management
Follow these steps to allow a domain's administrators to assign ActiveSync mailboxes:
  1. Log into the SmarterMail web interface as the System Administrator.
  2. Click on the Domains icon.
  3. Edit the desired domain and click on the Features tab.
  4. Checkmark ActiveSync User Management.
  5. Click Save
Limiting Number of ActiveSync Mailboxes
Follow these steps to limit the number of ActiveSync mailboxes allotted for the domain:
  1. Log into the SmarterMail web interface as the System Administrator.
  2. Click on the Domains icon.
  3. Edit the desired domain and click on the Limits tab.
  4. Find the ActiveSync Accounts field and enter the desired value.
  5. Click Save.
Domain Administrators for that domain will now have access to assign a specific number of ActiveSync mailboxes to users on their domain. Any users assigned by the Domain Administrator will be reflected in the System Administrator's ActiveSync Mailboxes list. Any users assigned by the System Administrator -- for that domain -- will be reflected in the Domain Administrator's ActiveSync Mailboxes list.
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