Connectivity --> Email Retrieval --> POP Lookup Failed
Problem reported by Cory Claflin - 4/6/2022 at 4:49 PM

Just upgraded from 16x to the latest build 8125. 

In one of my accounts under activity I have a pop retrieval via to another account on the server.

This stopped working after the upgrade. 

I have two other retrievals for IMAP pointing to and they work fine.

I did not change any settings after the upgrade. All bindings are the same and appear to be working just fine.

I can access the server for accounts via POP so POP is working as it should normally.

The only symptom is this one area.

Is this a configuration issue potentially or a bug in this build?

2 Replies

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hello Cory, 

Thank you for reaching out to the SmarterTools community. This is most likely a configuration issue. I would recommend checking your bindings and making sure that the loopback address is able to access the POP port. You can find this in Settings->Bindings->Ports. Please let me know if this helps. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Cory Claflin Replied
Using netstat I show it's listening:

Inside configuration in smartermail I show the bindings correct:

If I telnet 110 I get OK PO3 server ready response. 
Is there some other test you can recommend to confirm it's configuration?

The only thing off in config that I can see is that I do have a ghost IP under bindings --> IP Addresses. There are no ports bound to it but it will not allow me to delete the IP. 

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