Some email content is garbled
Problem reported by Long Chung - 7/14/2020 at 1:01 AM
Operating system: Windows Server 2016 
Smartermail version: 7488 

Some traditional Chinese characters will be garbled. It has been confirmed that this is not a problem with the client computer because it has been displayed as garbled characters in Webmail. Especially if the archive function is enabled, the letters in the archive will not be garbled. The result of my investigation is the path: \SmarterMail\Data\Domains\[Doamin name]\Users\[user account]\Mail\Inbox\*. grp The encoding of the file here may have problems compiling traditional Chinese. Please support the team or master to study it. This problem has been delayed for a long time. 

We have many customers complaining that garbled characters can not be used and have caused losses. Thank you.

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