Team Workspace Video conference Sorry, your browser doesn't support video conferencing
Problem reported by Rick Eidson - 3/29/2020 at 10:57 AM
I can't find any thread on this directly addressing the problem with a fix.  

I just upgraded to 
SmarterMail Enterprise Version - 100.0.7242.24590
this resolved the Appear TV no longer working in 16x

But the only browser that I can get video conferencing to work in is MS Edge.  I have tried Chrome, Canary and Firefox they all say "Sorry, your browser doesn't support video conferencing"

3 Replies

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Grady Werner Replied
Employee Post
Ensure that your SmarterMail URL is using HTTPS and has a valid SSL certificate.  Most browsers disabled any camera or audio support in HTTP websites.

Certificates created through free sites like LetsEncrypt.org work fine for this purpose, BTW.
Grady Werner SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Watheq Ghazi Replied
same problem here!!
is there any solution?
Cosima Daria Replied
Je ne peux rien regarder sur Appear TV non plus.

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