Increase or adjust the IIS logs time duration
Question asked by Ashish Pahuja - 2/9/2018 at 5:28 AM
Hello Team,
Is there any option which can be modified in the SmartStats to check if we can access the log every minute rather than hourly basis.

4 Replies

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John Marx Replied
This seems like a performance killer on the server for a busy site which is why I am thinking you would want that. Align with Google Analytics which can give real-time maybe? I would never want to see more than hourly from a performance perspective.
Ashish Pahuja Replied
Ok. But where can I see the default settings in the Tool? Or what is the default monitoring parameter duration the SmarterStats checks for the updates in the Logs?

John Marx Replied
The answer is online help that explains to find it: http://help.smartertools.com/SmarterStats/v11/

To see your settings do the following:
Navigate to "Help for System Administrators", Settings, Defaults, and choose Server Defaults.
Ashish Pahuja Replied
We are using the v9 system (and are thinking to upgrade this to the latest version).
For the Settings as mentioned, I could not find the timeout settings:

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