PST to ActiveSync
Question asked by Michael Pulte - 7/18/2017 at 11:35 AM
I have a company running SM 14.x.  Previously they were just running POP3 based email through Outlook.  They recently upgraded to the ActiveSync version of SM.  Everyone there uses Outlook 2013 or higher.  EAS doesn't support moving or importing of your Inbox and Sent Items to your ActiveSync folder in these versions of Outlook.  Does anyone know a way we can do this at the server level?  I think the only way to get it done is to install Outlook 2010 or earlier on a machine and import them one at a time.  I really don't want to have to do that for 100 email accounts.  Thanks!

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Michael.  An Outlook EAS profile will not support a POP .PST file.  I've been able to convert a POP account to EAS by using these steps.
  1. In Outlook, save the POP .PST file to the HDD.
  2. Remove the POP profile from Outlook.
  3. Set up that profile again as IMAP in Outlook.
  4. Import the .PST file into the IMAP account.
  5. Once the IMAP account has synced with the SmarterMail server, remove the IMAP profile, and then re-add it as EAS.
I hope this helps.
Michael Replied
Great tip!

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