Where is the online Demo for version 16 ?
Question asked by Curtis Kropar www.HawaiianHope.org - 7/11/2017 at 10:40 AM
Where is the online Demo for version 16 ?

www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !

6 Replies

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Nathan Replied
There isn't one
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Curtis,
While we can see the benefit of an online demo, it is not available at this time. However, it's something we will take into consideration for a future addition.
but really ? not yet ? I think we asked for the like 3 years ago.
I am sure others will agree that an online demo someplace would be really nice and save thousands of people time, tens of thousands of hours of time. I personally do not have the time to set up another install and screw with it to see if certain bugs have ever been fixed before we switch over to a newer version. 
Were any of the Search bugs from version 12, 13 or 14 ever fixed ?
We are using
  • SmarterMail Enterprise Edition
  • Version 14.4.5801
and this stupid thing can not find an email address.  HOW does an email program not have the ability to search for an email address ?
I would really like online demos so we can see what is now working or not.
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
Paul Blank Replied
I couldn't agree more. Here's hoping that V15 is made complete, and is not retired for a long time. Because at this rate, it might just be the last version of SM I install.
Damir Matešić Replied
I think this product is going in a strange, wrong direction. Lots of user are frustrated.
There are more and more open issues with every patch. This version 16 is nice looking but i would like to have less bugs than more colorful UI.
Smarter mail is going in the direction that in some point of time the nice interface will not be able to cover the mistakes and the bugs of the product itself.
Damir Matešić Replied
Now i realized why there is no demo of the solution. If there could be one, a lot of customers would not buy it.
I opened a ticket 12 days before for a CSV adress book import issues i am facing and is still not resolved.
12 days for a ticket of mapping one simple CSV file. This is a task of few hour of programming.
I regret for buying this product a year ago. And now they want to take more money for the "upgrade protection". 
If there was a demo i could think twice to buy or not the product.

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