Can't change Message Priority
Problem reported by David Jamell - 4/22/2017 at 7:40 AM
Running SM Enterprise 15.5.6222
I'm trying to change the Message Priority for every type of message and for every domain.
I changed the Priorities and "Enabled" each one under Settings -> Defaults -> Domain Defaults and then used Domain Propagation to change the settings on every domain.  I verified that the changes were propagated.
When I send a message through the server, either by Webmail or Outlook the priority in the Spool always shows 5 instead of 1.
What am I missing?

2 Replies

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kevind Replied
David, I don't think the whole Message Priority thing is fully baked. Here's a post from 2015 with similar issues...
David Jamell Replied
I found that this is actually working (I think).
What I'm seeing is messages are added to the Spool with Priority 5 and the Priority changes if it is a remote delivery.

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