Tabs are messed up today
Problem reported by kevind - 3/3/2016 at 8:28 AM
Not sure if this is the right place to post or not, but today all the forum tabs seem to be messed up. Examples:
  • When you click Unread tab, you still see read messages (and the Recent tab still looks like it's selected).
  • Clicking Votes doesn't show the threads with the highest number of votes.

9 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Kevin, I am not personally experiencing these problems. Can you first verify that when you click a tab the url changes to include a ?sortby=#. If this is changing as intended try clearing your cache or testing in another browser and see if the problem persists.
kevind Replied
Tried in a different browser and it did the same thing.
  1. Not signed in.
  2. Started here: https://portal.smartertools.com/community/
  3. Clicked on SmarterMail, then Votes tab and it went to this URL:
  4. It showed me the SmarterMail threads, but didn't change the order.
Something just changed in the last day or two.
kevind Replied
Looks like URLs are messed up too -- when I edit the above Reply the whole URL for #3 is underlined. When it displays, only the part of the URL is underlined.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Kevin, not being signed in is what is doing it from what I can see. We will look into it.
kevind Replied
Matthew, note that it doesn't matter if you're signed in or not. I just tried to simplify so it could be duplicated.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hm, I can only reproduce it when logged out. I am looking into it though and hopefully will have a fix soon.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Kevin,
I found the issue causing this and it will be fixed either by the end of today or tomorrow. Thank you for the report.
kevind Replied
FWIW, still broken for me.
kevind Replied
Now fixed. Thanks.

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